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The Longboat keys adventure! (The Magazine Cover design Project)

Today we (my sister and I) decided to explore a new beach. It was a nice private beach that was hidden from all of the other beaches and it is known for its drift wood. After gathering all of our supplies that we needed, we started to head towards the spot where all of the drift wood was located. It took us a while to get through the only narrow pathway that was surrounded by dead trees and miniature stumps that seemed always poke our bear feet.

Photo by Stevie Thames

After surviving the long trip we finally made it to the spot! It was so amazing to see all the drift wood scattered in different places. There were so many dead trees that they were perfect to climb and hide in too. (It was also a great place to take photos too!)

Photo by Stevie Thames

After a long day of taking pictures and goofing off (like we always do) we decided to write a letter and put it in a bottle so that we could throw it off on one of the near by docks and see if someone would find our letter! It turns out when I got home on that day I received an email about someone finding my bottle-letter (because I provided my email address in the letter). It was so cool to hear about where they found it at and hear more about them! I really enjoyed that beach and hopefully I can return there one day and take more photos and explore more too!

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